Every Tuesday we host a friendly pinball league, run by Gene Aw
For any inquiries fire an email to Gene’s email

  • League starts at 18:00

  • You can play your games anytime between 18:00 and 22:00

  • £5 per meet - which includes all machines at Tilt on FREEPLAY for the evening

  • 9 randomly drawn machines to be played - First score counts and has to be witnessed by another player

  • 8 qualifying meets and the best 4 meets count.

  • This seasons meets - 5th September - 12th September - 19th September - 26th September - 3rd October Pingolf - 10th October - 17th October - 24th October - 31st October (Finals)

  • NEAREST PARK CAR - 3 MINUTE WALK AWAY - NCP Car Park Birmingham High Street, Dale End, Birmingham B4 7LN